The show must go on…

The story of Encore Musicals begins with an ending. In 2017, Back Alley Musicals (Encore’s musical theatre predecessor) unfortunately had to cease operation. This closure left an artistic hole in the Owensboro community that needed to be filled.

A group of former Back Alley performers met together and decided that they were not ready to quit producing musicals. They formed a new musical theatre company and decided to call it “Encore Musicals of Owensboro” as a way of signifying that the show wasn’t over.

They decided to produce a one-night-only broadway revue, and it was a resounding success. The venue was filled to the point of standing room only, and the community made it clear that they were excited about the future of this company.

5 years, 14 productions, 44 performances, and approximately 10630 audience members later… We are continuing that legacy today. We strive to bring high-quality productions featuring local talent to the Owensboro stage.

We thank you for your support, and we can’t wait for you to see what comes next!